Category Archives: VIDEOS

Inija Trinkūnienė and Andras Corban-Arthen at PWR Indigenous Plenary

Inija Trinkūnienė is the Krivė (chief priestess) of Romuva, the indigenous religion of Lithuania, and a founding member of the European Congress of Ethnic Religions. Andras Corban-Arthen is spiritual director of the EarthSpirit Community, Vice-Chair of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, and president of the European Congress of Ethnic Religions. Continue reading Inija Trinkūnienė and Andras Corban-Arthen at PWR Indigenous Plenary

Summer Solstice “2012” – Hymns to Artemis and Apollo!

About 80 members and friends of the Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes ( celebrated in a quiet location at the top of the Arcadian mountain Mainalon the Summer Solstice, with hymns and libations to honor of the gods Zeus, Artemis, Hermes, Pan, Gaia, Apollo and Helios. In the above video heard the hymns of the Goddess Artemis and God Apollo.

Last events conference devoted to the Ethnic Religions in Ukraine and in the world

A Traditional Ritual of the Slavonic community THE GREAT FIRE  was on the 14 th of May. The event was really great! There was a conference devoted to the Ethnic Religions in Ukraine and in the world. In this participated the Slavonic community THE GREAT FIRE, and from Latvia was the representative of Dievturi- Janis Brikmanis,who told much about the Latvian Ethnic religion-Dievturiba and it`s revival in Latvia.

More photos and video you can see here Recent rituals

A visit of our guest from Latvia Jjanis Brakmanis

The Multilevel Bankruptcy of Christianity and Hellenism’s proposal for the Future

Fragment from the 2hour lecture “The Multilevel Bankruptcy of Christianity and Hellenism’s Proposal for the Future” by the Greek author and historian scholar Vlassis G. Rassias at the “Bohemian Hall” (Astoria NY) on November 13, “2010”.
The lecture was organized by The Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes (U.S.).

Απόσπασμα της ομιλίας του Βλάση Γ. Ρασσιά με τίτλο «Η Πολυεπίπεδη Χρεωκοπία του Χριστιανισμού και η Πρόταση του Ελληνισμού για το Μέλλον», που δόθηκε στην Νέα Υόρκη στις 13 Νοεμβρίου 2010 στο Bohemian Hall υπό την αιγίδα του ΥΣΕΕ Η.Π.Α