Category Archives: ACTIONS

ECER stand in solidarity to Romuva ethnic religion

The statement of Andras Corban-Arthen 
President, of European Congress of Ethnic Religions

As president of the European Congress of Ethnic Religions (ECER), I would like to condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the unwillingness of the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) to recognize Romuva as an official religion in Lithuania. Romuva has fulfilled all the requirements to qualify for such a designation — it is a rapidly growing religion, whose members have creditably represented their homeland all over the world. Moreover, Romuva stands as one of the few remaining examples of the survival of European indigenous religions and cultures.

Continue reading ECER stand in solidarity to Romuva ethnic religion

The Hellenic Ethnic Religion supports the request of Romuva Religion to be identified by Lithuanian Parliament as traditional


The Parliament of Lithuanian Republic
Gedimino ave. 53,
LT-01109 Vilnius,

The Ministry of Justice
Gedimino ave. 30,
LT-01104 Vilnius,

Athens, Greece, May the 20th, 2017

Dear Sirs,

We, the legal body of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion, herewith express our full support to the appeal of Romuva, the legal body of the Ancient Baltic Religion for state recognition by the Parliament (Seimas) of the Lithuanian Republic, as part of the Lithuanian historical, spiritual and social heritage. Continue reading The Hellenic Ethnic Religion supports the request of Romuva Religion to be identified by Lithuanian Parliament as traditional


Press Release 318/11.08.”2016″

A human sacrifice at Lykaion? We don’t know where did the baseness concerning the situation came from. It could either be from the vagueness and the misexpression of Ms Anna Karapanagos’ (chief of the General Directorate of Antiquities) statements, or from the journalistic “misconceptions” of her statements. It could also be the ever crazy implications of the radial orthodox provocateurs who falsely call themselves journalists. Continue reading REGARDING THE BURIAL AT MOUNT LYKAION

Open letter to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ioannis Amanatides

Open Letter 314/8.6. 2016

To Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ioannis Amanatides.

Mr. Minister.

The zealous involvement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs into a matter regarding a monument (Hagia Sophia), which belongs to another country (Turkey) astonished every clearly thinking Greek citizen.  We Ethnic Hellenes are even more astonished from your statement that the reading of a monotheistic religious text in a space that up until 1934 functioned as a monotheistic temple, and only afterwards designated as a cultural monument, is  not in accordance with European norms and rules of respect and tolerance for diversity and religious freedom.    The same is true of your statement that you will  take the case to international organizations . Continue reading Open letter to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ioannis Amanatides


Communication 302 / 19.08.2015

The Hellenic Ethnic Religion would like to appeal to the civilized humanity (or what remains of it) and express its horror for the brutal execution by beheading of the elderly Syrian archaeologist Khaled Assad, and the hanging of his lifeless body from a column in the archeological site of Palmyra, at the hands of the Jihadist enemies of humanity and civilization. Continue reading ANOTHER MARTYR OF CIVIL HUMANITY

The Greek state fears that our religion called “Hellenic” and “Ethnic”!

Press Release 301/02.08.”2015”.

Once again, the “Greek” State has shown that it has yet to get rid of its byzantine and medieval whims and, being unable to respect with dignity its own laws (in this case Act no. 4301/2014), it has rejected by the intermediation of its court of First Instance the motion signed by hundreds of Ethnikoi Hellenes to obtain recognition as a statutory corporation of religious character for their ancestral, indigenous and historically continuous to our day despite cruel persecutions by christianity Hellenic Ethnic Religion.

Continue reading The Greek state fears that our religion called “Hellenic” and “Ethnic”!


Ανακοίνωση 300/24.05.2015

Δεν χρειάζεται να είναι κάποιος πολύ καλλιεργημένος, αρκεί και ο απλός φυσιολογικός άνθρωπος, για να πενθήσει αυτές τις ημέρες για την αιχμαλωσία μίας ακόμη αρχαίας πόλης του λαμπρού πολιτισμού των Εθνικών, από τις ορδές του σκότους και του φανατισμού, που εν έτει 2015 της χρονολογίας των χριστιανών κόβουν λαιμούς ανθρώπων και καταστρέφουν αρχαία μνημεία, μουσεία και βιβλιοθήκες, σβήνοντας σπάνια απομεινάρια του εδώ και δύο χιλιετίες καταδιωκόμενου πολιτισμού των καθυβριζόμενων ως «παγανιστών». Continue reading ΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΙ ΘΡΗΝΟΥΜΕ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΛΜΥΡΑ


Press Release 299/19.4.2015

It seems that attacks against defenseless religious shrines, is not the sole prerogative of the primitive Islamist extremists who in fervent zeal destroy various “pagan” antiquities in North Africa and the Middle East. It unfortunately is also a choice of expression for Christian fanatics who though they live in 21st Century Europe, show a willingness to return to an age when hammers and pikes were used to level the temples, statues and altars of the pre Christian cultures of Europe. Continue reading WE DENOUNCE THE ATTACK AGAINST THE SHRINE OF FEDERAZIONE PAGANA AT JESOLO VENEZIA

Please help the native hellenic tradition and religion to become recognized as a statutory corporation in Greece

Native Hellenic Tradition and Religion is not recognized as a Statutory corporation in Greece. Its hellenic Non Profit Organization YSEE – “founded in June of 1997 aiming to the morale and physical protection and restoration of the Polytheistic, Ethnic Hellenic religion, Continue reading Please help the native hellenic tradition and religion to become recognized as a statutory corporation in Greece

We are going to build a temple!

The Slavonic Traditional religion community the Great Fire now is 21 years old. Our celebration was especially joyfull because,we were very  glad to know that very soon our community will have a special temple, a sacred place for the Traditional religion! We already have the projects for building it, made by famous Ukrainian painters Valentyn Vojtenko and Vasyliy Feshchenko. We will be very glad and greatfull if anyone of our friends will help us,donating WebMoney to help us with the building. Your names will remain in a special charity book!



And here is the picture of the temple