Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes (Ypato Symboulio Ellinon Ethnikon – YSEE)


Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes – HELLAS ( GREECE )

The Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes (Ypato Symboulio Ellinon Ethnikon – YSEE) has the legal entity of a Non Profit Organization (NPO) and was founded in June of 1997 aiming to the morale and physical protection and restoration of the Polytheistic, Ethnic Hellenic religion, tradition and way of life in the “modern” Greek Society from which is oppressed due to its institutalised intolerance and theocracy.

The foundation of the YSEE was the result of long processes and contacts starting from 1993 between the longest standing Ethnic Hellenic organizations in Hellas (Greece), like Diipetes of Athens, Taleta of Sparta and Ethnikoi Hellenes of Thessaly, during 1995-96 a temporary coalition between these organizations was established knew as the Omovoulio (Commonwealth) of Ethnikoi Hellenes after a pan-Hellenic gathering in south Olympus in 9 September of 1995.

After 7 years of activity in the (modern) Greek reality with more than 170 interventions (letters and press releases) and many protests for the protection of the Hellenic tradition, human rights and religious tolerance, 100 seminars, tactical celebration of the ancient festivals, public rituals and educational events the Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes is the front line, in Hellas, in the movement for the protection of the Ancient Hellenic Heritage and the return to the ancient ways, being always open to corporation with any “healthy” and democratic group/organization, with common aims, and willing to help and encourage such groups by any means possible.

YSEE is an organization umbrella, which in good will and mutual respect aims to the empowerment of the movement of Ethnikoi Hellenes in Hellas, with technical, legal and even economical help when possible to the heathy organizations and individual teams and encouraging to the creation of new in every part of Hellas and the world, were Ethnikoi Hellenes exist.

In June 2004 YSEE was honored with the responsibility to host the 7th World Congress of Ethnic Religions, covering all costs from member contributions and its reserves.

YSEE fights without the support of any “shadowy centers and interests” basing its power only to its volunteers which support it with an annual economic contribution of 60 Euros, supporting in these way a reserve fund for legal fights, publishing of written material, protests, the future building of public Altars, Temples and a Library dedicated to the Polytheistic scholarship.

We the Ethnikoi Hellenes fight for:

 The right to live and exist as Ethnikoi Hellenes

• The right to live and exist as Ethnikoi Hellenes according to our ancestral way of life, the right which in modern Greek society exist and guaranteed only for those of Monotheistic faiths (as Christians, Jews and Muslims).

• The right to our ancestral name giving process, the right to a pure Classical education without the current religious brain wash which is done in Greek schools for the Christian Orthodox Church (even the ministry of Education is responsible for religious matters).

• The right of legal protection of our ancestral Religion and Tradition, in all its diversity and magnificence.

• The right of legal recognized rituals of name giving, marriage and funeral instead of the current situation which only the Monotheistic are recognized.

• Finally the right of dignity in death, thus we demand the legalization of euthanasia without any condition, and the right for incineration of ones dead body, which is part of the Hellenic tradition and it’s now forbidden in Hellas by demand of the Christian Orthodox Church in violation of our human rights. The immediately protection of our historical and caltural heritage!

• We call for guaranteed protection of our Museums, archaeological sites and Ancient Holy Sites from the unwilling or incapable Greek State. If our demand is not satisfied we will go to the internationals courts with the Greek state in order to take up the right we as Ethnikoi Hellenes to protect our ancestral and holy artifacts and sites, by a new institution of volunteers guards which will respect our Cultural Heritage and will be founded by the money which are collected from the state, using our Holy Sites as tourist attractions.

• We also want the initiation and conclusion of the archaeological diggings of all located sites in Greece, in order the true history of the Hellenic Civilisation to be made known.

• We aim to the elevation of Cultural standards in the modern Greek Society in every way, we demand from he Greek state the decoration of our cities, public buildings and important historical sites with classical statues, monuments and other pieces of art, in order this land which once was the birthplace of civilisation, to be worthy of its historical heritage.

The restoration and pre-operation of our ancient Holy sites

We plea from the Greek State that all archaeological sites which contain Altars, Temples or any other religious significance in context with our Ethnic Hellenic Religion, to be proclaimed as Holy Sites of Hellenismos (the nation of Ethnikoi Hellenes) and to be restored (as much as this is possible), all archaeological artefacts that have been removed and taken to foreign Museums to be return or exact copycats to be made from those museums in order to be placed were there belong.

Forms of struggle: 

In order for YSEE to achieve its objectives it is willing to be involved to the following non-violent forms of struggle:

• Continues press releases, protest letters to political parties and every responsible institution when are by any way the Greek antiquities, our ancestral symbols, or our way of life is offended due to cultural or religious intolerance or any other reason.

• Collection of signatures for the defense of our way of life, and often legal fights in Greek and International human rights institutions and courts, for these reason a “Bank” of signatures will be created, for immediately reaction to such matters.

• Legal fights against any act of sacrilege against our Sacred and ancestral Sites, Symbols etc

• Collection of founds for the creation of a TV and Radio station, in order the Ethnikoi Hellenes to obtain freedom of public speech.

• Struggle for information of all people (without discriminations, religious, racial or ethnical) about the Hellenic polytheistic tradition, myths, legends, symbolisms, theology, culture and way of life.

• Encouragement and networking between the Ethnikoi Hellenes in Hellas and in every country in the world and people/organizations of all ethnic polytheistic Traditions aiming to mutual respect between the different polytheistic traditions and cultural tolerance.

• Satisfying economical and other prerequirements for the creation of Temples and self regulating Communities of Ethnikoi Hellenes.
Nine reasons for which YSEE exist, and ask your support:

1. Clear definition of characteristics that define our community as modern Ethnikoi Hellenes.

2. Representation of our community as Ethnikoi Hellenes to the state and to any one that may concede or not.

3. Guarding our community from provokers and anyone that may wish to diverge our ideas.

4. Obtaining our own worshiping sites and covering the needs of our community.

5. Defending our social, political and religious rights in a collective level as a community or individuals in the Greek Society were intolerance (religious, ideological, racial and sexual) is institutalised.

6. Promoting the Culture, education, Science, Art and Cultural tolerance according our beliefs as Ethnikoi Hellenes wich will reverse the “Dark Age” state in the uneducated, intolerant and prejudice Greek society.

7. Active organization and lobbying of our community in order to establish a strong pressure group.

8. Eficient protection of our Ethnic and Cultural Heritage and Tradition, from the mistreatment, of a uninterested Greek State, if not a hostile one.

9. To honor according to our ancestral ways our Ethnic Gods and our ancestors.The restoration of our ancient tradition and culture demands the dedication of all Ethnikoi Hellenes, we dare to struggle and we dare to win, we don’t negotiate our right to exist.

More information: Y.S.E.E. official web site


Diipetes was founded as a quarterly journal at the end of “1991”. 

Since 1993, “Diipetes” has also been a cultural association (the name means “Sent by Zeus”). The journal, recently having turned bimonthly, has a circulation of 1800 copies and is entirely written in Greek, but we include FREE advertisements of foreign pagan journals in order to make the other polytheistic traditions known to our readers (you are welcome to send your advertisement). An international subscription of 6 issues costs 35 Euros, cheques payable to Costas Kechagias. 

Send all correspondence to: 
 PO Box 78211
GR-17400 Athens 
Hellas (Greece).
Exchange publications or review copies of books must be sent to DIIPETES, PO Box 20037, GR-11810 Athens, Hellas (Greece) where there is an archive and a future documentation center.

Read more about: 

Vlasis Rassias homepage 

Diipetes’ own Home Page 

Christian persecutions against the Hellenes
Hellenism and Polytheism