Imagine an ecologic, sheer place, with a Sacred Grove in it’s center, that ever wisely hums, and a small, shingle-covered sanctuary, devoted to the ever living Slavic Gods. In some distance, lies a wooden village, and a small burgh within its protective shadow.
Not just another heritage park, but a genuine, lively place, that upholds both native culture and slavic beliefs.
Where “historic reconstruction” is more than just a part of a community that stay in accordance with traditions and ways of our ancestors, without losing it’s touch with today.
Imagine a community that lives by a simple virtue: “Live the way you want, but do not hurt the others”.
In a group of friends there was born a concept of creating a terrain which accords with rules of ancient, slavic tales. A place that could serve not only as a recreation park for families that passes deeper educational values, but mainly – a place, that could restore traditions left far behind by most of polish society. Our dream is to raise, after many centuries, a new Sacred Grove, dedicated to The Elders. To raise a temple, in which all the worshippers of Svantevit, Perun, Veles, Mokosha and countless other gods – could meet and praise, what is a vital part of our cultural legacy. Maybe someday, there will stand a traditional slavic village, where people, seeking contact with nature, would find their home.
We really do need your support. Let’s make our Neopagan History! Even the smallest amount of money, given by many, will help us in making a big step forward. And please remember – everything you give today, will meet you tomorrow in a form of commonly available place, that you too will be able to use.