Tag Archives: Jonas Trinkunas

The speech of President Jonas Trinkunas in Bologna conference 2010

Dear friends,

Greetings to all participants of the WCER conference. I would like to remind you that our organization, born in 1998, this year will be gathering for the 13th time. I am very pleased that we have been so graciously invited to the city of Bologna in Italy. Bologna is a historically important Renaissance city, so Gentilitas is choosing the location where the Congress will take place according to the needs of the foreign Delegations. We are very grateful to the religious association Gentilitas – Spiritualita Italica, who put a lot of effort so that delegates from different countries could gather to socialize and discuss. Continue reading The speech of President Jonas Trinkunas in Bologna conference 2010


By Jonas Trinkūnas

The Lithuanians’ ancient religion is inseparable from homeland, ancestors’ land, language; it takes its root in high antiquity and our ancestors are its originators. The ancestors pass on their most sacred knowledge to us as a traditional culture with its customs, morality, folk songs, etc. The religion itself formed as an expression of the sacrality of cultural traditions, closely related with the moral outlook. Continue reading ETHICS OF BALTIC RELIGION

The first congress WCER Vilnius, report by Jonas Trinkunas, Lithuania, June 1998

Author: Jonas Trinkunas (Lithuania)

Raza Festival, held at the summer solstice in 1998 in Vilnius, the meeting witnessed a large group of representatives of the pre-Christian or pagan faiths of Europe, USA and India. Such groups exist to Svema the world, including most of Europe. Their isolation had come to an end, and nastoalo time to exchange ideas and to overcome common obstacles. Continue reading The first congress WCER Vilnius, report by Jonas Trinkunas, Lithuania, June 1998