Το 7ο Παγκόσμιο Συνέδριο Εθνικών Θρησκειών (World Congress Of Ethnic Religions, W.C.E.R.), που είχε θέμα «Οι Υψηλές Αξίες των Προχριστιανικών Παραδόσεων και Θρησκειών», πέρασε πια στην Ιστορία, όχι τόσο ως το μεγαλύτερο έως τώρα πολιτιστικό γεγονός στην Ελλάδα σε ό,τι αφορά τον σεβασμό στις προχριστιανικές παραδόσεις των λαών της γής (αμφιβάλλω άλλωστε αν ποτέ καν έλαβε χώρα σε αυτόν τον τόπο κάτι αντίστοιχο ή παραπλήσιο.), αλλά, κυρίως, ως ένα πέρα για πέρα επιτυχημένο διεθνές συνέδριο, Continue reading ΟΙ ΥΨΗΛΕΣ ΑΞΙΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΩΝ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΩΝ→
This year we gathered in Lithuania once again, for the 5th conference of the World Congress of Ethnic Religions. It was decided that the theme of this conference should be the continuity of ethnic religions in the modern world. Continue reading The 2002 WCER Congress (12th – 13th August 2002)→
On August 12-13 the 4th Conference of the WCER took place in Vilnius, Lithuania. Representatives from Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Poland, France, India, United Kingdom and the USA attended this conference. In the duration of two days the representatives discussed the progress made and the problems faced by the ethnic religions in their countries. It is now possible to analyze these problems and search for solutions. Continue reading The 2001 WCER Congress (12th – 13th August 2001)→
This year, on August 9-11, the 3rd conference of the WCER was held in Bradesiai, Lithuania. The conference was held simultaneously with the Romuva summer camp, which began on the 7th of August and ended on the 12th. Those attending the conference freely participated in the Romuva program throughout the entire duration of the camp.
Easter / Earth Day, April 23, 2000
Pope John Paul II
Vatican City
Your Holiness:
In November of 1999, this Committee sent to you a letter bearing 1,643 signatures representing the many millions of Pagans worldwide, and requesting the inclusion of our Pagan forebears (i.e. peoples of indigenous pre-Christian religious beliefs and cultures) in your March 12, 2000 Mass of Pardon: “Universal Prayer; Confession of Sins and Asking for Forgiveness.” Continue reading The Pagans’ Letter to the Pope The Committee for the Pope’s Millennium Apology→
The 2nd World Congress of Etnic Religions was held from the 16th to the 19th August 1999 in Telsiai, Lithuania.
Telsiai is situated in the province of Samogitia, in Western Lithuania.
Samogitia was, for several centuries, at the frontline of resistance against the Christian crusaders (the Teutonic knights).
The conference itself took place in a house in the outskirt of the city, built and decorated in traditional Lithuanian style by its owner, Adolfas Gedvilas.
A sacred fire has been maintained in the house since 1994.
You may visit the Manor of King Ringaudas website to learn more about this wondeful location.
At the end of the first day, participants took part in a fire ritual situated a ceremony on the nearby Satrija Hill.
The ceremony was organised by Romuva, with active participation of the Greek representatives.
The meetings took place in the main hall, and ended with a dance evening offered by the local traditional music ensemble.
The next day, participant were invited to a excursion to the nearby city of Klaipeda and the Baltic coast.
Can they be found sitting somewher on thrones or perhaps in the thrones of physical embrace with one of us mere but lucky mortals? Perhaps sometimes is the answer. But whatever they are, they belong in part if not in essence to the supernatural, the preternatural or the superempirical. In other words, the vector of possibility allows them to manifest to us but not for us to access them in any direct or demonstrable manner. The nonempirical is simply beyond the natural world which we can approach, measure and test through science. This is not to say that it simply does not exist but that it exists differently. If this were not so, it would not be the magical otherworld that it is. Continue reading Do the Gods Exist? by Michael York→